July 20, 2009

Glucose Test

Sorry, it has been so long since my last post. I've been very busy this July. My last doctor's appointment I received my glucose test results and they came back really high. So I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. My doctor put me on a diet and has me checking my blood 4 times a day. I really don't mind checking my blood but I hate the diet. I never realized that sugar is in almost everything I love. Right after I found out about this, I left for vacation and just returned home. So this week, I will have another doctor's appointment and I will also have an appointment with the diabetes specialist who should be able to help me out with my diet. I have realized that I pretty much can't drink milk or eat any whites and very few carbs. All of those things have made my blood sugar sky rocket. Hopefully, I will be able to control this just by dieting and it will go away after the pregnancy. My doctor's appointment is Tuesday and then I have the diabetes specialist on Thursday. I will let you know how it goes. And I will also post pics from my vacation.

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